Newborn Care
Families who are expecting newborn infants are invited to visit one of our office locations to help them decide whether or not to choose our practice. Whenever possible this visit will be scheduled at the end of the day with one of the physicians.
If you elect to choose our practice please inform your obstetrician. We currently do not examine newborns in the hospital, but have agreements with various neonatologists and pediatricians at each of the major hospitals. They will examine your newborn in the hospital.
Once a newborn is discharged to go home, we generally like to see them for a first visit in the office within a day or two. If any problems such as feeding problem or jaundice arise after discharge they will be seen immediately. We do have the ability to initiate phototherapy treatment for newborns with jaundice.
If you are coming to one of our offices for the first time with your newborn, please sign in at the reception desk. Please allow 30 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment time to fill out the initial paperwork. Your family will be brought back to an exam room and get you prepared for the medical provider's examination.
Click HERE to see a copy of our Newborn Baby Booklet.
Watch our PRENATAL VIDEO for information about our practice, see our providers, and get photos of our offices.
LACTATION EDUCATION RESOURCES - the link below offers a variety of useful handouts, but links to favorites are also provided below.
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Storing Breastmilk
Plugged Ducts/Mastitis:
- You Tube Video:
- Warning: Please consult with your healthcare provider before use of essential oils
- Use of Haaka for removal of clogged duct:
- Lactation Education Resources Handout:
Hand Expression of Milk
*Also check out Global Health Media - Birth & Beyond for their video on hand expression
Sore Nipples
- All Purpose Nipple Ointment:
- ***Research shows no increase in time of healing using APNO vs Breast Milk vs nothing. There can actually be up to af 15% increase risk of nipple/breast infection due to introduction of bacterial when applying so it is important to apply w/ clean hands. Regardless of these risks and lack of increase in healing, use of Breast Milk of APNO or Lanolin has been shown to improve discomfort.
Over Supply/Overactive letdown
Low Milk Supply/Increasing supply
- Lactogenic foods and supplements:
Breastfeeding With Large Breasts
Nursing Twins
Mothering Multiples
Mother of Twins Club
Womanly Art of Breast Feeding
Paced Bottle Feedings:
- Drying up milk:
- Lactation Education Resources Weaning Methods:
- Dr Jay Gordon Night Weaning:
- Kelly Mom:
- Le Leche League:
Use of Nipple Shield - Please discuss with lactation specialist before using. Nipple shields are for temporary and not long term use.
- After successful feed at breast - wait and pump 30 min after, or pump 1 hr before next feed is due.
- Power pump: Empty breasts by pumping 10-20 min. Once flow slows, turn pump off and rest x 10 min then resume pumping x 10 min. Continue this on off every 10 min until an hour has passed since initiating pump session.
Might only have ½-2oz - every drop counts!